18 Mar 2020 – Cancelled due to COVID
Director: Martin Zandvliet
Denmark, Germany
101 min
Land of Mine follows the little-known story of the young German
prisoners of war who were handed over to Danish authorities in the
days following Germany’s surrender in May 1945. Tough veteran
Sergeant Carl Rasmussen is assigned by Lieutenant Ebbe Jensen
to diffuse and remove two million mines on the Danish coast. He
takes advantage of the prisoners and orders them to dig up the
mines from the sand with their bare hands. Rasmussen promises
their freedom and release back to Germany when the task is
completed and, after initial hostility, he slowly begins to sympathise with their plight. However, Jensen remains resentful of their former occupiers and steadfast in his belief that the young men should be treated with contempt. Land of Mine explores the
moral grey areas between justice and vengeance and offers a timely reminder of the power of forgiveness.
Oscars 2017 – Nominee for Best Foreign Language Film Award