Madeo – Mother

16 Mar 11 Director: Bong Joon-Ho South Korea 2009 129 min When an ageing herbalist (and back-street acupuncturist) discovers her mentally challenged son is to be tried for the murder of a young girl after a drunken night out, she embarks on a relentless quest for justice, no matter the emotional cost. Gorgeously photographed, flawlessly… Continue reading Madeo – Mother

Samson And Delilah

22 Sept 10 Director: Warwick Thornton Australia 2009 101 min This near-silent, sun-bleached love story focuses on a rundown community in the Australian desert. Barely a word is spoken between disaffected, petrol-sniffing Samson and wary, sensible Delilah from start to finish; they communicate primarily in looks and gestures. This Oscar-winning exposé of the shocking methods… Continue reading Samson And Delilah

The Cove

20 Oct 10 Director: Louie Psihoyos USA 2009 91 min This Oscar-winning exposé of the shocking methods behind a highly lucrative dolphin entertainment industry plays out more like a thriller than a documentary. Now an activist working tirelessly for his cause, Richard O’Barry, formerly trainer of TV icon Flipper, leads the filmmakers as they plan… Continue reading The Cove


05 Jan 11 Director: Samuel Maoz Israel 2009 92 min Set on the first day of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, this tense and personal piece, based on the director’s own experiences, centres on the crew of a solitary Israeli tank who find themselves on a mission that rapidly degenerates into a nightmare.… Continue reading Lebanon

Bir Ticaret Masali – The Market

02 Feb 11 Director: Ben Hopkins Turkey 2008 93 min This spry Turkish comedy centres on a small-time gamblegone bad. The luckless Mihram is a charismatic butroguish black market trader, desperate to set up the cellphone franchise that will make him a legitimate merchant.When an opportunity arises to help a local doctor acquiremuch-needed medicines from… Continue reading Bir Ticaret Masali – The Market

Los Abrazos Rotos – Broken Embraces

3 Nov 10 Director: Pedro Almodóvar Spain 2009 128 min Renowned for his elegant, stylish films, Almodóvar’s love of cinema is condensed into the story of Harry Caine, a filmmaker whose personal life is as dramatic as his screen creations. Blinded in a car accident that also claimed the life of his lover, Lena, played… Continue reading Los Abrazos Rotos – Broken Embraces


01 Dec 10 Director: Akira Kurosawa Japan 1950 88 min Kurosawa’s epic samurai movies inspired such films as The Magnificent Seven, Star Wars and A Fistful of Dollars with their meticulously planned shots and expansive cinematography. This brilliantly executed early masterpiece is based on the challenging premise that truth can be subjective. The viewer witnesses… Continue reading Rashomon